Use EMR data to inform and plan proactive patient care

Oct 23, 2018

Panel management is a process of proactively managing a defined population of patients, using EMR data to identify and respond to patients’ chronic and preventative care needs. To help doctors and their teams implement and sustain panel management, the GPSC has developed the Phases of Panel Management – a framework that helps doctors and their teams introduce and implement new tools and clinic processes to enable planned proactive care.

To support practice teams undertaking the Phases of Panel Management, the following GPSC supports are available:

  • In Practice Coaching – Provides coaching sessions including action planning, and EMR Optimization support. Get started by contacting your PSP Regional Support Team.
  • Panel Management Manual and Workbook – Guides doctors and their teams through the Phases of Panel Management step-by-step. The Workbook has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 75 Mainpro+ credits.
  • Panel Development Incentive ($6000) – Compensates eligible family doctors for completing phase one, two, and three of the Phases of Panel Management and documenting work in the GPSC Panel Management Manual and Workbook.

Through effective panel management, doctors can use accurate panel information to make the most of their time and resources, improve preventative and proactive care, and organize team members to best serve patients. Panel management is a key step for a practice to take to transition to a patient medical home.

Learn more about panel management, how it benefits doctors and patients, and GPSC supports.

Learn more about the Panel Development Incentive including eligibility criteria, how to claim payments, and FAQs.